Photographing business people with style

Just – retirement planing advisors want to look sharp, clean-cut and financially astute.
Looking professional will always be important
Style, colour, pattern, collar, tie, watch, jewellery. These are all details that help make a professional business profile or headshot deliver purpose and ambition. When I get in front of my clients I want them to be the best versions of themselves. Appropriate lighting, composition, pose, attire and style are all part of the ingredients that goes into a good business profile shoot. It also takes confidence and time to craft the best shots and most of my sessions are about an hour. So be prepared to work hard!
A beautiful watch or colourful tie may be the kind of detail that help my clients deliver their personal and business brand. Soft light or side angle that shows bone structure, arms crossed or hands clasped are all part of my style toolkit too. I advise on colours, textures, favourite jacket and even quirky jewellery.
However, it is the comfort of the client that is the crucial factor. ‘If you feel good you will look good’ is my mantra.
For me, the best shots are captured with all this detail in mind and why my photography delivers the right kind of images for my clients. They reflect the brand of the business, the culture of the company and the personality of it’s people.
Most of my portrait and headshot work is located where I can produce a shallow depth of field. This enables me to achieve soft, simple backgrounds where the subject is sharp and dominant. It also gives context and relevance to the business and brand messages each client wants to convey. Most lawyers, for example, want to be shot at their offices. (usually for lack of expensive time).
Sam Brown – Psychotherapist, Leeds
From her small private offices near City Square in Leeds Sam runs her own practice. Her calm, sensitive, listening service is delivered in a light, spacious second floor office where she welcomes her clients into a safe, confidential and private setting. Her colours are soft, earthy browns and light sandy tones. Fabrics are soft and plain with light textures for detail. A warm smile and friendly face await. Sitting down is key yo Sams portrait too with the emphasis on comfort.

Soft, warm and calm are Sam’s simple, passive style.
Mark Harris – MoremoneyBiz, York
Mark Harris often works from home but that does not stop him looking and feeling smart. Spotty handkerchiefs has been used to add a little panache to a well cut jacket and simple blue shirt. Jeans and sandy colour brogues are the classic touch of informality and self assurance to a very neat look. Mark is a happy, confident and outgoing young dad and I wanted to capture that in his shots.
The reclaimed brick house was the perfect backdrop.
Please follow the link here to see more about Mark

The macbook pro is often used as brand endorsement too. The silver grey laptop adds to the simplicity and style whilst throwing the subject into work mode.
Fowler & Powell Estate Agents (Leeds)
Julien Fowler is a partners at Fowler & Powell Estate Agents and focus mainly in North Leeds in the Roundhay, Chapel Allerton districts. Julien takes the formal, smart approach and carries it off perfectly. His sense of style and attention to detail means that he will always impress his clients with that professional, clean cut look whilst remaining friendly and approachable.
The setting is of course his LS17 patch and the mature, leafy suburb of Roundhay is the ideal location.
Please follow the link here to see more about Fowler & Powell –

Paisley and check can look great together and Julien is confident enough to demonstrate his sense of style.
Clare Tumber – Just Mortgages (Harrogate)
I call Clare the ‘Jacket Lady’ because she clearly loves her jackets. Shape, cut and pattern are key elements to Clare’s look and she really knows what suits her. The simplicity of shirt and trousers allows her jackets to dominate. She loves her necklaces too and these two black and silver pieces are perfect for that two colour look.
Clare is based in Harrogate and so where better to take her pictures than in the midst of the Yorkshire hot spot.
Please follow the link here to see more about Clare and Just mortgages –

Harrogate is the ideal place to shoot Clare. There are so many beautiful locations and views to provide soft urban backdrops and Clare’s jacket collection is the ideal wardrobe for style and professionalism.
Lawyers just seem to know
Some of the best dressed clients I work with are lawyers. Their uniform is very simple and tends to be classic greys and whites. Most of my work with them tends to be location and lighting. here is good example of a client simply turning up. within 10 minutes we have 2 or 3 options and the next one is due in. A little make up and hair brush is usually all that is required.

Lawyers tend to be confident and self assured. This helps enormously with my work.
Time well spent
A discussion regarding wardrobe means that the client can feel relaxed and ready to go without too much fuss and I do advise my clients to bring one or two options along to shoots so the tweaks to style can be made. Above all, however, the client has to feel comfortable and relaxed and my advice is always bring what you feel best in. They are usually right.
Our photography planning means that the shoot starts with them choosing their clothes. Most of my job on the day is to get them feeling confident and relaxed whilst evaluating shape, light and pose. Usually an hour of time, a few laughs and a drink of tea is all we need to get the best results.
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